Planning is an essential function for any community—helping to guide projects, policies, investment decisions, and more. Michigan law requires most communities to have a comprehensive master plan (see the Michigan Planning Enabling Act for details), but there are often other plans in place too. For Lexington, a mix of old plans, new ones, and technical studies all combine to provide a long-term vision and goals for the Village.
The DDA Development and TIF plan provides authorization for the Downtown Development Authority’s use of TIF funds on various projects. Full details on the DDA’s work can be found here. The Village’s master plan also includes a detailed downtown chapter to guide downtown development in conjunction with this plan.
Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Plan (1986)
Lexington’s Community Recreation is updated every five years. The plan provides an overview of existing recreational opportunities and facilities and plans for upcoming investments. Having an up-to-date Parks & Recreation plan is an essential component of applying for funds from the Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund.
Communities require significant capital investment to create and maintain a high quality of life as well as make plan goals come to fruition. From roads and sewer infrastructure to new police vehicles and technology upgrades, the Village’s capital improvements plan helps guide annual budgets and makes the Village competitive for grant opportunities. The Planning Commission updates the plan annually to cover the upcoming year plus project out five more years; Council then uses the plan when adopting the annual budget.
Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating (PASER) studies help communities understand the status of their existing road infrastructure and plan for long-term asset management. Lexington’s PASER ratings were last updated in 2019 and are factored into the annual capital improvements plan.
Much like roads, the infrastructure under the ground in Lexington requires ongoing maintenance. This study from 2017 helps inform the Village’s annual capital improvements plan. [link to study]