Lexington Celebrates Arbor Day!
The Village of Lexington celebrated Arbor Day by planting a tree in Lester Street Park and handing out over 70 tree saplings to the Meyer Elementary 4th grade students on Friday, April 29th. The tree saplings were a generous donation from the Soil Conservation. Cindy Davis, the Environmental Chair for the Village of Lexington, spoke to the 4th-grade class explaining the history and importance of Arbor Day. The Environmental Committee and the Village of Lexington DPW planted a Red Bud tree to celebrate the holiday.

Arbor Day started in 1872 in Nebraska where it is estimated that over 1 million trees were planted in one day in the state. As pioneers began moving into the Nebraska Territory, the lack of trees felt deeply. The new residents missed the trees they left behind, and they were left without the trees they needed as windbreaks to keep soil in place, for fuel and building materials, and for shade in the hot sun. The Environmental Committee in The Village of Lexington has celebrated Arbor Day by planting a tree for the last 20 years and we cannot wait to see what the next 20 years bring with this celebration!